
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Frugal Grub

Let's play a game....where's Monica?


Oh, there she is!  Peekaboo!
JK and I struggle to come up with things to do with an infant on the weekends in the middle of winter.  We are very much looking forward to the spring when we can resume outdoor activities.  In the interim, our go-to activity is...drum roll please....a family outing to Costco.  Weird, I know, but it gets us out of the house.

Monica just loves trips to Costco - who doesn't love a good deal?  We're teaching her all sorts of lessons about saving money by buying in bulk.  Some basic guidelines include: taking the time to do a little math to confirm that you are getting a good per unit price, and identifying bulk household "needs" (as opposed to "wants").  Diapers meet both criteria!  We save about $24 on a month's worth of diapers.  We also get to enjoy the convenience that we are not running to the store to buy diapers on a weekly basis.

Anyway, this was Monica's third trip to Costco, and this time she actually made it through the whole store AND the checkout line before she started whining to go out to the car.  

Before heading home, there was even time for a quick driving lesson with Daddy:
Monica says, "I'm already wearing my prison stripes just in case we get in trouble for underage driving!" Haha, the Grubster can be quite the comedian!

Of course, after having so much fun, Grub staged a noisy protest against getting bundled up in her winter bear suit and being restrained in her car seat.  I graciously agreed to a compromise in which we would skip the bear suit, but I still ended up in the backseat entertaining her for half the ride home.  We couldn't really complain, though, because she was so well behaved while we were shopping :)

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